Day 1
Wrapping Paper Tubes
What You Do:
Ask your parents to donate some Christmas Paper Rolls (if you can not get enough use rolled up newspaper instead). Cut out horse's heads (leave a neck to go inside the tube) from cardboard and let your children design their horse. They can paint them and use yarn for the mane and halter. Help your children attach them with glue and tape. No go out Ridin'!
Letter of the Week: H
Introduce the letter H. Write a uppercase and lowercase H. Talk about what sound the letter H makes. Create the letter H in play dough. Pick out books at the library that start with the letter H or have the letter H in them frequently. Find the letter G in the book and practice making the sound. Talk about the words that start with the letter H.
Theme Book: Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown
This is a cute book about the life of animals on the farm. Make the animal sounds, move like the animals, talk about how each do different things. Lots of fun can come from this book! Singing Old Mac donald Had a Farm will probably come up.
Day 2
Scripture Story: The Creation
Focus on day five and six when God created the fish, birds, and all other animals. Talk about how God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden and instructed them to take care of it. Talk about how we can take care of animals and plants too.
Primary Song: The World is So Big
Sing the song and do the actions (via):
The world is so big and, oh, so round (form a large circle with arms),
And in it God’s creations are found;
Mountains (put hands in mountain shape over head)
And valleys (put hands palms down in front of body)
And trees so tall (stretch arms up tall),
Animals big (reach up)
And animals small (reach down).
Stars shining brightly through all the night (straighten and wiggle fingers),
Sun in the day so warm and so bright (form a large circle with arms).
The world is so big and, oh, so round.
God loves us all; our blessings abound (grasp arms and hug self).
Day 3
Activity 1: A Farmer's Job and Planting Seeds
Draw a farmer on a large piece of paper. List all of the things a farmer does (maybe while looking at a farm book): milk cows, plants seeds, water crops, collect fruit, feed the animals, cut the wheat, collect eggs from the hens, shear the sheep, brush the animals, plow the fields, etc. Choose a few activities to act out together or actually do (such as feed a pet).
Plants herb seeds and talk about how they need sunlight and water to grow and that it is important to take care of them so we can use it for food, just like farmers. Have the child find spots in the house where there is sunlight for the plant and put it in a safe location.
Day 4
Activity 2: Stick Horse (via)
What You Need:



What You Do:

Signing Time Vol. 7: Leah's Farm